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Results for "keyword: "racism""
Metabolizing the Reckoning A practice for conflict resolution in our bodies that helps us prepare for both peril and possibility.
Birthday of Paul Robeson Remembering the multi-talented artist who took stands against racism and for black liberation.
Anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation Recalling the beginning of the end of the institution of slavery in the United States.
A Great Fellowship of Love A prayer for unity to God who can solve problems.
Birthday of James Baldwin (PDP) Saluting the artistic genius and prophetic insights of the black social critic.
Birthday of Harriett Beecher Stowe (PDP) Remembering the woman whose bestseller swayed public opinion against slavery and helped precipitate the outbreak of the Civil War.
Don't Let Fear Stand in Your Way Exhortation to extend kindness beyond our tribe to include all of humanity.
Free at Last! Free at Last! A prayer envisioning a global beloved community.
Meditating on Difference Holding a meditation and conversation about the stereotypes and messages that impact us.
Ending Racism Clyde W. Ford on how to create a personal vision of what ending racism means to you.